August 2009

The Farmer Company in Sri Lanka: The Ridi Bendi Ela Case Study. Paper and Workshop Sponsored by the American Institute for Sri Lanka Studies. The Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka.

July - August 2006

Field Research in Sri Lanka, on “Community Management of Natural Resources: Case Study of the Ridi Bendi Ela Farmer Company: A sustainable public-private partnership in Irrigation Management Transfer. Paper presented in an invited panel on Community Management of Natural Resources for the 35th Annual Conference on South Asia at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. October 19-22, 2006.

February - March 2006

Consultant, Institutional Development Specialist, Participatory Irrigation Development Program, Philippines (PIDP), a World Bank funded project. Consulted for Euroestudios, Spain, and Sustainable Development Solutions, Philippines. Project Preparation assistance on request by the National Irrigation Administration of the Philippines. Report submitted on: PIDP: Philippines Practices and International Best Practices. I was assigned to evaluate the Philippines experience in Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) within the context of international IMT, and provide recommendations. These were to be incorporated within an overall integrated framework into PIDP Project Preparation Documents

July 1997

Consultant, EDI, World Bank. Preparation and Writing of Case Study on Particpatory Irrigation Management in Sri Lanka.

February 1997

Consultant, EDIE, World Bank. International Workshop on Participatory Irrigation Management, Cali, Colombia.

March and October 1996

Consultant, EDIE, World Bank. Preparation of case study on the Philippines National
Irrigation Systems for the International Workshop on Participatory Irrigation Management: Benefits and Second Generation Problems.

September - November 1994

Consultant Sociologist, Investment Center, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
of the United Nations, Rome. Project preparation and writing sociology guidelines on Farmer Participation and Water User Asso¬ci¬a¬tions, Na¬tion¬al Water Management Project II, India.

November 1993 - October 1992

Consultant, EA1AN, The World Bank. Design, appraisal, and supervi¬sion of the
Irri¬ga¬tion Oper¬a¬tions Sup¬port Project II; supervision of the Com¬mu¬nal Irriga¬tion Develop¬ment Pro¬ject II, Philippines; and evaluation of Irrigation Operations Support Project I.

January 1991

Consultant, Operations and Evaluations, The World Bank. Evaluation of the Mahaweli Project, Sri Lanka.

October 1989

Research Consultant, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany. Prepara¬tion of three modules on methods for appraising the management capa¬city of irrigation agencies.

1988 - 89

Research Consultant, International Irrigation Management Institute (IIMI), Sri Lanka. Execution of research and preparation of re¬ports on the decision making and operation of irrigation systems in the Philippines and Sri Lanka.