+ Refereed Publications


“Building on Innovation: Farmer Managed Irrigation in Sri Lanka,” In, Revitalizing Asia’s Irrigation: To Sustainably Meet Tomorrow’s Food Needs Aditi Mukherj and Thierry Falcon eds. Colombo Sri Lanka: IWMI/FAO/Funded by ADB


“Water and Culture and Public Action: The Monk, the Clan Elder and the Water Warrior.” One Chapter in, Water: Histories, Cultures, Ecologies. Perth, Australia: University of West Australia (in press) .

“Stella Mendoza: A Water Warrior in Imperial Valley, California.” One Chapter in, Fluid Bonds: Experiences of Women and Water from the North and South. Calcutta, India: Stree Publishers (in press).


“The Imperial Valley-San Diego Water Transfer Agreement: A Case Study of Property Rights in Collective Action.” With, Anisa Devine, Senior Water Planner, Imperial Irrigation District. In, Water Rights and Related Water Supply Issues. Proceedings of the United States Committee on Irrigation and Drainage.


Participatory Irrigation Management in the Philippines: National Irrigation Systems. In, Case Studies in Participatory Irrigation Management. David Groenfeldt and Mark Svendsen eds. World Bank Institute Learning Resources Series.


Participatory Irrigation Management in the Philippines: National Irrigation Systems. PIM Case StudiesSeries. EDI, World Bank. INPIM Web Site.


Consultant, EA1AN, The World Bank. Design, appraisal, and supervi¬sion of the
Irrigation Operations Support Project II; supervision of the Communal Irrigation Development Project II, Philippines; and evaluation of Irrigation Operations Support Project I.


"Redesigning a Settlement Agency in Sri Lanka to Promote Participation of Women in its Management." In Development, Displacement, and Re-Settlement, Hari Mohan Mathur, ed. Vikas: New Delhi, India.


"Participatory Management in Large Irrigation Systems: Issues for Consideration." World Development 19:1767-1776.


Professional Management in Irrigation Systems: A Case Study of Perfor­mance Control in Mahaweli System H Sri Lanka. With Doug­las Me­rrey. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI Country Paper No. 1.


Kachcheri Bureaucracy in Sri Lanka: The Culture and Politics of Accessibility. Syra­cuse, NY: Maxwell School, South Asia Series, Syracuse University.


+ Published Technical Reports


Communication and Organizational Development for WUA, a training module prepared for International Network on Participatory Irrigation Management Program (INPIM) Workshop, Turkey, with Martin Burton


Staff Appraisal Report: Irrigation Operations Support Project II. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. With C.Gunasek­ara, I. Naor, S. Hussain, R. Dy, and E. Boer­ema.

Irrigation Management for Crop Diversification in the North Central Prov­ince of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. With S. Miranda, C. Panabokke, E. Martin, and D. Groe­n­feldt


"Methods for Assessing the Management Capacity of Irrigation Agencies." In Management of Irrigation Systems: Working Aids for Opera­tion­al Irrigation System Manage­ment. H. Walker and R. Cleveri­nga, eds. Bonn: Deut­sche Gesell­schaft fur Technische Zusam­men­arbeit (GT­Z).

Irrigation Financing in Sri Lanka.
Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. With E. Martin. Design and Management for Main Canal Regulation. Colombo, Sri Lanka: IIMI. With D. Berthery and H. Sally.